
NeuralMarker allows its user, to add single to multiple attributes in their object detection dataset through image tagging.

The semantic tags that are added generally reflect the characteristics of the object of interest in every image of the dataset. 

Section I

How To Create Object Detection Dataset with Tags

Steps to Follow :

1. Log in to the tool.

2. Click on Add button present in the rightmost corner of the Dataset page.

3. Add Dataset Page will appear.

4. Fill in all the fields in the "Add Dataset" form.

  • Select category type as "Rectangle"
  • create/add categories inside the "Categories" field.
  • Select the image tag from the image tag field. (if required)

Use Image tags in non-classification dataset [such as rectangle, segmentation, polygon] only when you want to assign the image tag to the entire image rather than to a particular object of interest.

To create an "Image Tag" just like the sample tag below in NeuralMarker. Click here.

  • Otherwise, after adding categories under the category field, click on the "ADD ANNOTATION TAG" button to add annotation tags to the added categories.

  • A category field with the list of the categories you added in the previous step and an annotation tag field with a list of all the tags will appear.



  • Then select the category against which you want to add attribute through annotation tag, see below for a sample.

  • Add data to NeuralMarker using the available options listed below:

               To Learn More, Click Here.

5. After filling in all the entries, Click on Submit Button

Adding images to Object Detection Dataset using Drag and Drop Method

NeuralMarker accept Image files in the form of JPG, JPEG and PNG Format.

6. A new Object Detection Dataset will be created.

Section II

To Annotate + Tag Object Detection Dataset

Steps to Follow :

1. Click on Annotate button present on the newly created Object Detection dataset card.

2. Annotation Page with Annotation Tags, Categories, and Image will appear.

Part A: To Annotate an Object of Interest

3. Click on the "+" button present on the category instance, 


Two things will happen

  • An instance annotation will be created under the category on which you pressed the '+' button.
  • An annotation tag associated with the selected category will become visible under the annotation block. 

3a. Select the "Rectangle Tool" from the toolbar

3b. Click and drag the cursor from the upper leftmost corner to the lower rightmost corner over the object of interest to draw a bounding box on it.

Part B: To add a tag to an Annotated Object of Interest

4a. Click on the appropriate single or multiple child tags present inside the annotation tag, which you want to assign to the object of interest. 

4b. once you assign a tag to the object of interest, the same information is available in the metadata, once you hover over the drawn bounding box.

5. After adding all the annotations and tags to the image, click on Save and next button to go to the next image and to save the current image.

6. Click on the preview button present on the dataset card.  

7. You will land on the preview page:

  • The cursor will turn into magnifying glass Then click on the thumbnail of any image.

  • An image preview overlay will appear, which will allow the user to preview the correctness of labels and tags over the Annotated image.